During one of our recent Alameda Flea Market hunts we noticed a couple holding this extremely cool chrome mirror while in the midst of an intense discussion. The mirror was so striking that both David & I simultaneously commented that we wished we had seen it first. As I continued to make my progression down the aisle David suddenly made a u-turn making a bee line back to the previous stall. He was almost sprinting. The next thing I recall is David walking towards me with a huge grin on his face holding the mirror in one hand. Assuming that the root of the intense discussion between couple was financial I nervously asked David how much he spent. $20 was his answer. Baffled that a $20 purchase at a flea market could create so much debate I am delighted at the thought that there are people stingier than I.
Sadly, I have not been able to uncover any interesting tid-bits about our find online. At that cheap price I even question whether it is truly vintage even though the mirror itself appears to be old. But in any case, it looks fabulous on our living room wall. And frankly for $20 I just don't care.
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