A few months back David & I set out on a quest to check out every single antique store in the Bay Area. Although we are not even close to accomplishing this goal, we did stumble upon a little shop in San Carlos called Antiques Unlimited that had a decent selection of mid-century decor. (Up to that point most of the stores carried what we affectionately refer to as 'grandma' decor. You know - Edwardian furnishings, doilies, china tea sets. In a nutshell - not us.)
Speaking of grandma - while browsing I spotted a stool that reminded me a lot of my own grandmother (she never was the Edwardian, doily, tea set type). Its textured vinyl immediately flashed me back to hot summers spent stuck to my grandmother's couch since time and time again I would forget that bare legs and vinyl coverings don't mix. Honestly though, if my grandmother was still alive I probably would still be stuck to her upholstery as we speak.
But back to my find. This little green with black specks ottoman was so retro that we knew it would one day find a place in our home. Labeled the 'Original Stow-Away Hassock by Barnett' I sadly have not been able to find much on the web about our new treasure. But I must say that the compartment inside is very handy to 'stow-away' random objects. The memories of my childhood summers, however, remain priceless.
Hi ~ I just scored a similar ottoman on Craigslist...same marking on the tag beneath. The metal detailing is a bit different but the same concept. So curious if you reupholstered yours and if you found any more information on it.
Thanks for your help.
Stacy @ www.sugarscout.com
or email me at stacy@sugarscout.com
I have this EXACT hassock in pink. Same pattern with the nubby texture and black dots. I also have had a hard time finding out much. Mine was my grandmother's. It was a gift to her from my parents (they were divorced in 1965~ish) for her wedding anniversary. When she died and I was told to go pick through her jewelry, I asked for this and a small silver trinket box from Kresge's (dime store) that I had given her as a child for Christmas. It had the same spot on her dresser from that day forward. And that is what I indeed got. She kept her crochet stuff in it and what was in it, is still. Jewelry from her would have meant nothing to me other than it's value. She did not wear much jewelry and was a very plain woman. My treasures have memories attached.
I have this EXACT hassock in pink. Same pattern with the nubby texture and black dots. I also have had a hard time finding out much. Mine was my grandmother's. It was a gift to her from my parents (they were divorced in 1965~ish) for her wedding anniversary. When she died and I was told to go pick through her jewelry, I asked for this and a small silver trinket box from Kresge's (dime store) that I had given her as a child for Christmas. It had the same spot on her dresser from that day forward. And that is what I indeed got. She kept her crochet stuff in it and what was in it, is still. Jewelry from her would have meant nothing to me other than it's value. She did not wear much jewelry and was a very plain woman. My treasures have memories attached.
These were made by the EJ Barnett company in Cawker City Kansas. These are very nice items!
Made by EJ Barnett in Cawker City KS. Very nice items!
Wooow yo acabo de comprar uno igual que el de usted y me gusto muchisimo
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