The store clerk really did promise that it would be easy. Having found an inexpensive Lane Acclaim tiered table at an
antique store in Sacramento I felt it was time to
master my skills at learn about refinishing wood furniture. Perhaps it was the eagerness in my eyes but the elderly (
yes, she must have been in her mid to late 70s) sales clerk convinced me that the table in front of me was the "one" to practice on. Maybe it was my ego but after hearing that this frail woman found this type of project "easy" I signed up for the challenge.
After a little
online research, I ventured off to
Cole Hardware today to buy the necessary supplies. Taking advantage of the nice weather outside, I applied my first coat of stripper onto the table outside on our deck.

Then reality set in. After applying the toxic stripping chemicals over and over again I started questioning if the promise of an easy project was just a sales pitch. After three rounds of removal my table looks blistered and sad. Luckily there are some sections where the natural wood is starting to show through so I am encouraged not to abort ship by throwing the table in the dumpster. I am confident that with a few more rounds of stripper and elbow grease, I will win the battle I have waged against the lacquer that has been on this table longer than I have been alive. And hopefully not contract some horrible disease in the process.
But I would not call it easy.
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