Problem was that they were bald.
Not wanting to spend a fortune on wigs for the girls, we were directed by friends to the "hood" in Sacramento proper. Proving once again that friend's advice in the best advice, we were able to find a wig store with a vast selection of surprisingly affordable hairstyles. Mission accomplished.
But the story gets better.
On our way back to the car we were almost car jacked in the stripe mall parking lot. Lucky for us, our would-be car jacker was over weight making it easy for us to dodge his advances in order to make a clean get away. Although annoyed at the time, I laugh recalling this dude's face when we flat out told him that we didn't have time "for this" and sped off.
So the girls are safe and sound in our living room with their new coiffure. Our only dilemma now is whether we can part with them.
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